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폰트 파일 업로드 및 ServerFilePath Adding Fonts for Graphic-Rendering https://docs.adobe.com/docs/en/cq/5-6-1/developing/adding_fonts.html Adding Fonts for Graphic-RenderingYou are reading the AEM 5.6.1 version of Adding Fonts for Graphic-Rendering.This version has reached End of core support. For further details see our technical support periods.This documentation is also available for the following versions: AEM 6.2 AEM 6.1 AEM..
RunMode 활용 // RunMode(author, publish) 에 따라 활용할 수 있음- DB분리 운영시 접속정보 분기- 특정 패턴의 Source Code 또는 Maekup 적용이 필요한 경우등등 String a = ""; Set runModes = sling.getService(SlingSettingsService.class).getRunModes(); if (runModes.contains("author")){ a = "author"; } else if (runModes.contains("publish")){ a = "publish"; }
FEW CQ5 (AEM) Interview questions for references FEW CQ5 (AEM) Interview questions for references 1. Technology Stack of CQ5 and describe each one ? 2. Architecture of CQ5 application ? 3. How to implement localization ? 4. How to connect external DB from CQ5 ? 5. What is segmentation/campaign and how to implement ? 6. Can we restrict for certain users not to display some digital assets ? 7. What is the role of dispatcher and how you have to u..
AEM 6.x Server Setting Adobe Experience Manager Web Console Configurationhttp://localhost:4502/system/console/configMgr 1. Apache Sling Request Parameter Handling- Default Parameter Encoding : ISO-8859-1 >>> UTF-8[Change] 2. Adobe Granite CSRF Filter, Apache Sling Referrer FilterFilter Methods : POST[delete] JDBC를 사용하는 경우- OJDBC 번들 인스톨- MybatisFactory Config 추가- jdbcPool 접속정보 추가 3. Apache Sling Servlet/Script Resolver..
특정 node 값 받아오기 String copyright_path = g_content_country_locale_url+"/jcr:content/footer/footer-copyright";Resource resources = resourceResolver.getResource(copyright_path);Node rootNode = resources.adaptTo(Node.class);String footer_copyright = rootNode.getProperty("text").getString();--- Result ----------------------------------------------------------------- PageManagerhttps://docs.adobe.com/docs/en/cq/5-6-1..
CQ/AEM Best Practices CQ/AEM Best PracticesStructure & Components:Make sure what you are building does not already exist: CQ is huge. There are 307 OSGi bundles and approximately 34 foundational components, 2 custom taglibs comprising 13 tags, a dozen or so standard JSP actions, with as many JSP Core tags and many other CQ components specific to add-ons. The chance the core of what you are building already exists in ..
어플리케이션/프로젝트는 무엇입니까? 어플리케이션/프로젝트는 무엇입니까? 당신은 템플릿으로 CQ5 요소를 저장할 위치를 응용 프로그램 / 프로젝트이며, 컴포넌트, OSGi 번들 및 소스 파일입니다. 새로운 응용 프로그램을 시작하기 위해 / 프로젝트는, 이들 요소의 위치를 정의하는 것이 필요하다. 일반적으로, 그들은 의 하위 폴더로 정의됩니다 / 폴더를 앱. 날 당신이 만드는 것이 좋습니다 응용 프로그램 / 프로젝트에 대한 다음과 같은 구조 : Structure Description /apps/ The application container /apps// The Components container components /apps// The “Page” Components container components/page /apps// A loca..
Adobe EXPERIENCE MANAGEMENT CQ Developer Tricks Adobe EXPERIENCE MANAGEMENT CQ Developer TricksinShare While working with Adobe CQ5 every now and then you discover some new tricks or options, here the list that I use daily:Remove #cf/ Don’t want to see/wait for the content-finder while refereshing pages, just remove #cf/ in your url.?debug=layout Shows you all details of the components used on your page?debugConsole=true Runs Firebug Lite ins..